The supplementation with 50, 100 and 150μg/mL potassium chloride to the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori on fat body glycogen, protein, total lipids and haemolymph protein and trehalose were analyzed. The fat body glycogen and protein and haemolymph protein were increased significantly in all the treated groups; whereas fat body total lipids increased only in 100 and 150μg/mL and haemolymph trehalose increased only in 150μg/mL potassium chloride-treated groups when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the carrier controls.
The supplementation with 50,100 and 150 μg/mL potassium chloride to thefifth instar larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori on fat body glycogen, protein, total lipids andhaemolymph protein and trehalose were analyzed. The fat body glycogen and protein and haemolymphprotein were increased significantly in all the treated groups; whereas fat body total lipidsincreased only in 100 and 150 μg/mL and haemolymph trehalose increased only in 150 μg/mL potassiumchloride-treated groups when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the carriercontrols.