两德统一迄今已十余年 ,但冷战所造成的两德在政治、经济、民众心理等方面的差异却难以迅速弥合。二战后德国的分裂与美英苏制定的分区赔偿政策息息相关。本文分析了美英苏执行该计划的具体情况 ,认为由于不同的经济制度和意识形态导致美英、苏在执行分区赔偿政策的过程中采取了完全不同的方式 ,最终东占区所支付的战争赔偿远远大于西占区 ,而战后西德得以迅速复兴的直接原因之一就在于她在美国的帮助下将战争赔偿压缩到了最小限度。
The reunification of Germany has been more than ten years by now. But the differences caused by the Cold War in politics, economy and public psychology have not yet been overcome. The split of Germany after World War II was closely related to the Zonal Reparations Policy. This paper discusses this situation in detail and draws a conclusion that different economic and ideological systems led to the controversial methods carried out by the U.S., the U.K. and the USSR. In the end, eastern zone paid far more than the western zone, which was one of the direct reasons for the revival of West Germany.
International Forum