中国共产党要始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向 ,就必须做到以下八方面的结合 :物质文明建设和精神文明建设相结合、唱响主旋律和提倡多样化相结合、文化继承与文化创新相结合、依法治国与以德治国相结合、“一手抓繁荣”与“一手抓管理”相结合、实施精品战略与搞好文化普及相结合、强化科学意识与加强化大众意识相结合、加强文化建设与加强作风建设相结合。
The CPC party always presents the advanced direction of advanced culture in China. The Party must achieve ' eight combinations': combine building of material civilization with building of spiritual civilization, combine singing main melody with advocating diversify, combine cultural inheritance with cultural innovation, combine ruling by law with ruling by moral, combine seizing prosperous with seizing management, combine carrying on the strategy of perfect product with spread culture, combine strengthening scientific consciousness with strengthening popular consciousness, combine strengthening cultural building with strengthening building of style.
Theoretic Observation