
《黄书》与辛亥革命 被引量:2

Huang Shu and the Revolution of 1911
摘要 在中国古代民族发展史上 ,既有以司马迁为代表的大统一思想 ,也有以孔子为始作俑者的“夷夏之辩”。前者于统一王朝确立时期占据上风 ,后者则于民族战争爆发、国家分裂割据时期流于别唱 ,成为汉族爱国人士抵御少数民族政权侵占中原或力图光复旧邦的思想强心剂。王船山在《黄书》中所阐发的民族光复思想 ,即为清初民族矛盾空前激化的产物。1903 -1905年间 ,资产阶级革命派在拒俄运动的推动下 ,将西方的民族民主思想与《黄书》的尊黄攘夷思想、民族独立自强思想以及君主“可禅、可继、可革 ,而不可使异类间之”的命题融为一体 ,尽情发挥 ,酿成反清民主革命的思想巨浪 ,从而有力地推动了同盟会的成立和辛亥革命的爆发 ,但同时也导致了不少负面影响。孙中山领导的辛亥革命是中华民族发展史上的里程碑。辛亥革命所倡导的“五族共和”、“民族平等”的思想和实践 ,比较自觉地摒弃了《黄书》内中国而外四裔、贵华夏而贱夷狄的传统观念 ,从而有效地启迪和提高了中华民族在反帝反封建斗争中紧密联合的革命自觉性。徇此以往 ,中国共产党领导全国人民对外求中华民族的彻底解放 ,对内求中国各民族之间的平等 ,最终赢得了中华民族的独立和解放。中华民族历经数千年的凝聚、撕裂与再凝聚 ,终于完成了从自在向自觉的历? In ancient china, there were two attitudes towards national development. One was Si Maqians national unionism. The other was exclusionism advocated by Confucius. The former was usually prevailing in a newly-founded united dynasty. The later, standing out during a war or in a time when a country broke up into independent regimes, inspired people of the Han nationality with patriotism to fight against invasion from minorities or to restore a former dynasty. The idea of national restoration expressed in Huang Shu by Wang Chuanshan resulted from intensive conflicts between different nationalities at the beginning of Qing Dynasty. During the time from 1903 to 1905, the bourgeois revolutionaries, driven by resisting Russia movement, actively combining the Western nationalism and democratism with the ideas in Huang Shu that the Han nationality should be respected, independent of other nationalities, constantly strive to become stronger, and that only Hans had the right to take the throne although it could be inherited, abdicated, or overturned by Han people, solicited an ideological trend of democratic revolution against Qing Dynasty, resulting in the establishment of Tongmennghui and the Revolution of 1911, in spite of some negative effects. The Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen is the historical landmark of the development of the Chinese nation. The theories and practice advocated in the revolution such as republicanism and national equality, breaking away from the traditional concepts of exclusionism in Huang Shu, heightened the Chinese revolutionary consciousness against feudalism and imperialism. From then on, The Communist Party of China had been making efforts to completely free the Chinese nation from foreign invasion and seeking equality between different nationalities and finally succeeded in liberating the Chinese people. Having undergone its union, separation and reunion for thousands of years, the Chinese nation, has consciously controlled its own destiny, united and indestructible.
作者 邓乐群
出处 《南通师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第4期90-96,共7页 Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
基金 湖南省社会科学规划立项资助课题 (湘宣字[2000]23号A145)。
关键词 王船山 《黄书》 辛亥革命 排满思潮 五族共和 Huang Shu the Revolution of 1911 ideological trend of ostracizing Manchu national unionism
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  • 2[3]章开源,林增平.辛亥革命史(上册)[M].北京:人民出版社,1980.
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  • 5[8]曹亚伯.武昌革命真史(上册)[M].上海:上海书店,1927.


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  • 2孙宝瑄.《忘山庐日记》,转引自《谭嗣同研究资料汇编》,政协长沙市委员会文史资料研究委员会等单位编,1988年版,第451-452页.
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  • 7章士钊.《疏黄帝魂》,《章士钊全集》8,文汇出版社,2000年2月版.
  • 8《史记·五帝本纪·索隐》,中华书局1982年第2版.第4页.
  • 9《船山全书》第10册,岳麓书社1988年版,第502页.
  • 10《黄帝魂》,1903年黄帝子孙之为印刷者版,第5页.









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