张祜是中唐时期的著名诗人 ,他的创作成就主要体现在宫词乐府与山水寺庙诗两方面。他写开元、天宝遗事的宫词可分为颂歌、伤感、讥刺三类 ,三者有机统一 ,具有“诗史”的价值。写传统题材的宫怨诗则笔法细腻 ,已逗露出“曲子词”的气息。乐府受南朝乐府民歌影响 ,现实性不强 ,游离于“新乐府运动”之外。他的山水寺庙诗 ,借用严羽在《沧浪诗话》中对唐诗的分类 ,可以分为“盛唐体”、“大历体”、“晚唐体”三种风格 ,三种风格是他不同时期的经历。
Zhang Hu, an outstanding poet in the mid-Tang Dynasty, distinguished himself in composing Gongci Yuefu and lyrics depicting landscape, temples and cloisters. The Gongci about affairs in late Kaiyuan and Tianbao reign periods fall into three categories of odes, grieves, and ironies, which, as interrelated, are considered ' a history of poetry'. While writing gieves setting in the palace, his technique is minute with elements of songs. Under the influence of the Yuefu and ballads of the Southern Dynasty, his poems deviate the 'New Yuefu Movement' for a lack of realistic features. His poems of landscape and hermitage, according to Yan Yu's opinion in On Poems, could be classified into three styles of 'a flourishing Tang Dynasty', 'Dali reign period', and 'a late Tang Dynasty', which are embodiment of his experience and mood in various stages of his life.
Journal of Xidian University:Social Science Edition
Zhang Hu
Gongci Yuefu
landscape and hermitage