司法认知是民事诉讼中一项重要制度 ,也是证据学上一个重要问题。许多国家对之均有较为详尽的、科学的规定。相形之下 ,我国对之研究不够。在厘清司法认知的要领和考察一些国家对之的立法规定的基础上 ,对司法认知的理论基础、效力、适用条件。
Judcial notice is an important system in civil proceedings, a s well as in evidence act. In many courtries, there are detailed and scientific provisions on it. While the research is not enough in China. After giving a clea r definition to judicial notice and making a study of lawmaking stipulation in s ome countries, the article has preliminarily discussed the base of its theory, the force, the application, the objections and the rules of procedure.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan Polytechnic University