托妮·莫里森对于《娇女》的核心情节——瑟 思杀婴的处理,采用了多重叙事角度和时序颠倒、纵横交错等后现代派写作手法,揭露了蓄 奴制的罪恶,说明了杀婴行为既是蓄奴制下黑人对白人的反抗,又是黑奴深厚母爱的表达方 式。被杀的娇女的阴魂,既是贩奴过程中屈死的六千万黑奴冤魂的化身,也是整个黑人苦难 历史的缩影。
The main plot in the novel Beloved——the Death of Beloved, is arranged by Toni Morrison's use of flashbacks and multiple points of v iew, shows the black's rebellion and Sethe's profound motherlove. The ghost Belo ved is the reincarnation of the dead negros in the slavery and the epitome of th e miserable history of the black people.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy & Social Science)