古米廖夫是俄国“白银时代”阿克梅派的创始者、领袖、理论家、诗人 ,其整个诗歌创作过程及其诗歌创作 ,以好奇、冒险、幻想的诗魂融合了阿克梅派诗歌理论主张。在内容方面表现为 :浪漫的灵魂 ;在形式方面则表现为
Gumiliov was the introducer, leader, theorist and poet of Akmeism in 'Silver Age' of Russia. Making a general survey of his inditement, we could see that his writing of poetry fulfilled his theory of poetry preferably. His inditement of poetry presented a romantic spirit and a delicate form. The complete harmony of the content and the form made his poetry manifest a unique characteristics of Akmeism.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University