两宋 32 0年较为和平的环境 ,给楷书的再度发展提供了极好的机会和条件。然而 ,在大唐兴盛之后 ,宋代楷书艺术却一直式微不振。其因有内因 ,也有外因 :一、书法艺术自身发展的客观规律使然 ;二、宋代书家“尚意”的理性选择对楷书艺术追求的淡漠 ;三、从“书判取士”变为“经义取士” ,宋代科举和学校教育立场的改变对楷书地位的削弱 ;四。
This article tries to present four facts that caused Regular Script to be less creative during the Song Dynasty. The peaceful social circumstances during the Song Dynasty, which ever lasted for 320 years, had provided a golden opportunity for the development of Regular Script. However, it had been less creative since its flourishing during the Grand Tang Dynasty. There were some internal and external causes.1.The objective laws of the development of Chinese calligraphy, which is an internal cause.2.The fact that the calligraphers in the Song Dynasty upheld the conduct of 'Writing at will' had made the pursuit of the art of Regular Script faint.3.The fact that the standpoint of the Song's imperial examination and education had changed from 'Judging a person by his handwriting' to 'Judging a person by his moral character and his ambitions', which had greatly weakened the Regular Script's social position. 4.The influence of the development of printing.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
The Song Dynasty (960-1279)--including the Northern Song Dynasty (1960-1127)