西部大开发战略是中国共产党发展西部地区经济思想的延续和发展。它的实施有利于民族区域自治制度的发展和完善 ,有利于缓和由东西部经济发展差距引发的民族矛盾。同时 ,西部大开发参与主体利益的多样性以及西部大开发对民族风俗习惯、宗教信仰的影响 ,将是民族问题存在的潜在因素。
The strategy of western development is the continuity and development of the policy of Chinese Communist Party about developing the regional economy of western China.The implement of the strategy benefits the development and perfection of the national regional autonomy system,and benefits the mitigation of the national contradictions caused by the disparity of economical development between the eastern and the western China.Furthermore,the diversity of interests of the participants of the western development and the dash of that against the traditional culture of the minority nationalities are the potential factors forming national contradic tions and problems.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences