目的 探讨喉结核的临床特点。方法 回顾性分析1 994.6~2 0 0 0 .6喉结核2 4例。结果 2 4例中平均年龄37.2岁,其中声音嘶哑2 0例(83 .33 % ) .咽喉痛1 6例(66 .66 % ) .咳嗽、咳痰1 4例(58.33 % ) .结核中毒症状1 0例(41 .66 % .PPD阳性1 4例,痰涂片查到抗酸杆菌1 6例,喉镜检查及活检诊断2 2例。结论 喉结核以青壮年多见,临床症状不典型,喉镜检查及活检可提高诊断率。
Objective The study Adam apple clinical characteristics of the pit.Methods the analytical 1994.6-2000.6 Adam apples of reviews check 24 example Results 24 the average age 37.2 years old in examples, among them orotund and hoarse 20.16 of the throat pain.A cough, spit out phlegm 14.Poisoned symptom of tubercle 10 example(41.66%.14 of the PPD masculine gender, the phlegm draws the slice to check sour 16 of rod bacteria of anti-, the laryngoscope check and live the check to examine a patient 22.Conclusion The Adam apple pit sees much with the green prime of life, the clinical symptom is not the typical model,aryngoscope check and live the check and can raise the diagnosis rate.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
Throate tuberculosi