
基因治疗病毒载体何去何从 被引量:1

What Course to Follow Does the Virus Vector in Genetic Therapy
摘要 8 0 %的基因治疗采用转染率较高的病毒载体 ,但应用病毒作为载体有可能在复制过程中增加活性病毒的拷贝 ,诱发宿主细胞免疫反应或癌变等副作用。以病毒为载体因为诸多隐患而逐渐退出基因治疗的历史舞台 ,安全。 Almost eighty percent genetic therapy teats adopted virus as vector. But vector will replicate living virus, induce immunoreaction or neobiogenesis and so on side effects. For the reasons mentioned above the virus-vector will vanish form genetic therapy. Investigating safety and effective non-virus vector is the goal of genetic therapy.
出处 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2005年第4期70-71,共2页 Medicine and Philosophy
关键词 基因治疗 病毒载体 非病毒载体 genetic therapy virus vector non-virus vector
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