
新古典增长理论的方法论评析 被引量:1

Comment on Methodology of Neo-classical Growth Theory
摘要 从Solow模型到新增长理论模型,由于它们所采用的研究方法而统一到了新古典增长理论这个旗帜之下,这个研究方法实质上就是以总量生产函数为基础的均衡分析。但总量生产函数以及以其为基础的均衡分析对于研究经济增长问题具有局限性。总量生产函数囿于其背后的实证主义方法论,不可能真正触及经济增长问题的本质———投入产出之间函数关系的变化规律。 From Solow model to Neo-classical growth theory , a variety of theoretical models on economic growth can be unified under the banner of Neo-classical theory through study methods which can be boiled down to equilibrium analysis based on aggregate productive functions . The Solow model makes ground-breaking contribution to the study line , the Neo-classical analysis can be seen as the logic extension of Solow model . So far , few have confronted and scrutinized the methodological problems behind this line of research . This essay attempts to analyze the methodological base of aggregate productive functions and its limits in the study of economic growth . It is argued that the aggregate productive function cannot touch the essence of economic growth problem , which is the evolution pattern of relationship , not the relationship itself , between input and output due to the constraint of positive methodology underlying it .
作者 莫志宏
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期17-21,72,共6页 Contemporary Economic Research
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