目的:探讨慢性硬膜下血肿(CSDH)手术治疗方法的改进。方法:选择经确诊的32例共36侧慢性硬膜下血肿,在传统钻孔引流(BHID)治疗方法的基础上进行改进,行血肿最高点钻孔Subdural CatheteTM置管冲洗闭式引流术。结果:症状体征消失26 例,好转6 例,仅1例血肿复发需再次施术,所有病例均无诸如张力性气颅、低颅压、脑挫裂伤、癫痫及硬膜外血肿等并发症。结论:采用血肿最高点钻孔Subdural CatheterTM置管闭式引流术并发症少且简便易行、安全,是治疗慢性硬膜下血肿的一种较佳方法。
Objective: To probe the improvement of the operative methods of CSDH. Methods: 32 cases including 36 sides altogether were selected for study, which accepted BHID from the highest site of the hematoma, then place Subdural Catheter TM hose into the cavity of hematoma for rinsing and effusing. Results: Symptoms disappeared in 26 cases and turned for the better in 6 cases. There was only 1 case, which relapsed and needed the same operation again. Of all cases, no complications took place such as intracranial air-gathering, intracranial hypotension, contusion and laceration of brain, epilepsy and extradural hematomas, etc. Conclusions: This method can eliminate common complications and be performed easily and safely. It is a very good method to treat CSDH.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health