Objective:Hirschsprung' s disease(HD)is a inherited disorder.The aim of th is study was to investigate the patte rn of RET and GDNF expression in various colonic segments of Hirschsprung' s disease a nd understand their roles in enteric inner-vation.Methods :21HD cases(aged 3months to 5years)and 5age -matched controls were involved in the study.I mmunohistochemistry was performed by using avidin -biotin -peroxidase complex methods with anti -RET?anti -p -Tyr and anti -GDNF antibodies.Results:A h igh level of RET -and GDNF -expression,together with moderate level of p -Ty r ex-pression,were found in normal colon and ganglionic segment of HD.In the h ypoganglionic segment of HD,three a ntibodies im-munoreactivity was all redu ced comp ared with proximal normalganglioni c seg -ment.The RET and GDNF immun ore activity absent in aganglionic segment.There was strong GDNF immunoreativi ty in the mucosal epithelium cells in normal colo n and ganglionic segment of HD ,mainly situating towa rds to the apex of crypts.Conclusion:Reduced level of RET and GDNF protein expression suggest that either deficit of GDNF e xpression or disfunction of RET rece ptor are invovelment with the pathogeneis of HD.The progressive decrease of RET and GDNF protein expression in various colon ic segm ents of HD was in accordanced w ith innervation of entric ganglions.
Journal of Jinggangshan Medical College