雇凶杀人犯罪是雇佣犯罪中的一种 ,是杀人犯罪的一种变异和升级 ;随着社会的发展 ,雇凶杀人犯罪本身也有升级的趋势 ,其严重性不容忽视。本文首先对其定义、历史、现状和研究概况作了分析和讨论 ;进而用经济分析方法及其理论基础作了分析 ;最后主要是用犯罪经济学的理论对雇凶杀人犯罪中雇主、受雇人和被害人三方关系的本质 ,雇凶杀人犯罪决策过程和对其控制对策等三方面作了详细地分析。
Murdering by hiring killers is one kind of crimes committed by hiring others. It is a variation and upgrade of murder. With the development of society, the crime itself has the tendency of upgrade too. We must not ignore its severity. This article analyzes and discusses its definition, history, current situation and research overview at first; then explains the method of economic analysis and theoretical foundation used in this article, at last, the article makes a economic analysis of the crime from three details: the essence of relations of employer, employee and the injured party of the crime, the process of decision to commit the crime and the countermeasures to control the crime.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute