目的通过检测端粒酶hTERT基因在肺癌组织,良、恶性胸腔积液脱落细胞的表达水平,探讨其在肺癌,良、恶性胸腔积液中的诊断价值。方法采用相对定量RT PCR法检测29例肺癌组织、29例癌旁组织、13例非癌性肺疾病组织、26例恶性胸腔积液、16例结核性胸腔积液中端粒酶hTERT基因的表达水平。结果端粒酶hTERT基因在肺癌组织、癌旁组织的表达水平高于非癌性肺疾病组(P<0.05),在肺癌组织中的表达高于癌旁组织(P<0.05)。恶性胸腔积液中端粒酶hTERT基因的表达水平明显高于良性胸腔积液(P<0.05)。结论端粒酶hTERT基因参与了原发性肺癌及恶性胸腔积液的病理生理过程。采用RT PCR法检测组织、胸腔积液中端粒酶hTERT基因表达水平有助于临床上肺癌的诊断和良、恶性胸腔积液的鉴别诊断。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic significance of the detection of the expression of telomerase hTERT gene in lung cancer and malignant pleural effusion. Methods Telomerase hTERT gene expression was measured by RT-PCR in cancerous lesions and tissues around neoplasm from 29 patients with primary lung cancer, 13 patients with non-cancerous pulmonary disorders. Telomerase hTERT gene expression of exfoliated cell in pleural effusion of 16 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion and 26 maligant pleural effusion were measured in the same way. Results Telomerase hTERT gene expression in lesions were significant difference among lung cancer, tissues around neoplasm and non-cancerous pulmonary disorders (P<0.05). Telomerase hTERT gene expression of exfoliated cells in malignant pleural effusion was higher than that in tuberculous pleural effusion (P<0.05). Conclusion Telomerase hTERT gene might involve in pathological process of primary lung cancer and malignant pleural effusion. The detection of telomerase hTERT gene by R-TCR useful to diagnosis of pulmonary cancer and distinguish malignant pleural effusions from tubercculous.
Guizhou Medical Journal