对应用于污水处理的部分微生物新技术进行概述, 即:固定化微生物技术在有毒废水中应用广泛;微生物絮凝技术因其絮凝范围广、活性高、安全无害无污染而易于实现工业化,成为当今世界絮凝剂方向研究的重要课题;生物吸附法主要用于重金属离子的去除;电极生物膜法是一种针对性很强的方法,主要为反硝化菌的生长提供良好的条件。
With the development of agriculture and industry, the problem of water pollution become more and more badly. The technology of waste water treatment is developing rapidly, among of them the microbial technology becomes a hot point because of its high efficiency and low consume. This paper summarizes the progress of new technology in waste water treatment. Fastness microbial treatment is applied in venomousness waste water widely. It is very safe and efficient to use microbial flocculate treatment.Biology adsorption can wipe off heavy metal ion. Electrode biology membrane can provide a good growth condition for nitration bacterium.
Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition