目的探讨脐尿管异常的诊断与治疗方法.方法根据病史并结合脐孔和膀胱美蓝注射试验或造影、B超、CT扫描和膀胱镜检查等辅助检查方法诊断脐尿管异常12例,并予以相应的手术治疗.结果手术及病理检查证实脐尿管瘘4例,脐尿管囊肿5例,脐尿管窦1例,脐尿管癌1例,确诊后自动出院1例.除1例晚期脐尿管癌患者因放弃治疗而于2月后死亡,各手术患者7~14 d痊愈出院,随访至今无复发及癌变.结论早发现、早诊断、早治疗是提高疗效、减少复发和并发症的关键.
Objective To probe into the diagnosis and treatment of urachal anomalies. Methods 12 patients with urachal anomalies were diagnosed preoperatively by clinical history, mythylene blue injection test of umbilical fistula or bladder, cystoscope examination, fistucography, B type ultrasonic examination, computerized topography scan and so on. Results Operation and pathology proved patent urachus in 4 patients, urachal cyst in 5, urachal sinus in 1 and urachal carcinoma in 1(one patient left hospital on his own). Hospital stay ranged from 7 to 14 days, except that one patient who had been treated for late urachal carcinoma gave up the treatment and died 2 months later. Follow-up survey showed that there were no recurrence and no malignancy. Conclusions The key to improve the curative effect and reduce recurrence and complications is the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University