乙胺丁醇是手性抗结核药物盐酸乙胺丁醇的关键中间体,本文详细介绍了乙胺丁醇的两种合成方法:直接法和间接法。直接法就是直接合成得到手性的乙胺丁醇;间接法是先合成乙胺丁醇的关键中间体(S) -2 氨基丁醇,再通过N -烷基化反应得到最终产品。间接法是目前工业上应用最为广泛的方法。
Ethambutol is the key intermediate of ethambutol hydrochloride used as a chiral antituberculosis agent. The procedures can be divided to the direct and indirect methods depending on whether the ( S )-2-aminobutanol intermediate be involved: the former is to obtain the chiral ethambutol directly; the latter is to get the ( S )-2-aminobutanol intermediate firstly and the final product is synthesized through N -alkyl reactions. The indirect method is the most widely used industrial one now.
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