近年来,中国汽车工业一直处于高 速发展的黄金时期。当我们回首2004 年以前的中国汽车市场时会发现,其“井喷”式增长的车型主要是乘用车产品。然而,2004 年却风云突变,在乘用车市场持续低迷中,载货车异军突起,其市场增幅三年来首次超过了乘用车,重卡更是风景这边独好,其市场增幅是各种细分车型中最高的。
During the past few years, the Chinese automobile industry has been in the golden era by growing at a very high speed. The dramatic increase came from the passenger vehicles until 2004, when its demand remained in a slump. However, the rapid growth occurred in the freight truck sector where the rate of increase for the first time over the past three years exceeded that of the passenger cars. Specifically, the heavy-duty trucks achieved the highest growth in all models.