根据宝钢高速运动薄钢板激光加工的实际需要,本项目研制出新型脉冲调Q N d:YA G激光打孔和打标两用激光加工系统所用的计算机操作系统,可以产生频率、幅值、脉冲宽度、脉冲组数等均可自由调整的控制脉冲信号,获得满足现场要求的打孔和打标。
According to the demand of laser processing on quick moving thin steel sheet in Bao-Steel Corporation a computer control system used in a Q-switched NdYAG laser is developed.The computer control system can produce pulse signal with adjustable pulse frequencypulse amplitudepulse width and number of pulse groupwhich can meet the practical requirement of laser drilling and marking.
Industrial Control Computer