本研究采用临床症状自评量表和职业倾向系列问卷对北京城市学院3262名学生进行了测查。研究分 析学生的心理健康水平和职业倾向。研究结果显示:北京城市学院学生心理健康状况总体较成人好,较其他高等学 校学生更好。学生进入新的生活学习环境之后能够较迅速的转换角色,心理适应水平较高。只有少部分学生有一定 的不适应;北京城市学院学生的职业倾向等级排列次序依次是社会型、管理型、常规型、艺术型、研究型和现实 型。
Through the SCL - 90 and career tendency questionnaire, we investigated 3262 students in Beijing City University and analyzed the level of students' psychological health and career tendency. The results of the research shows: the total level of psychological health is higher than adults', and much higher than the undergraduates' in other universities; the sequence of the students' career tendency is social, enterprising, conventional, artistic, investigative, and realistic.
Undergraduate, Psychological health, Career tendency