民事生效判决是基于国家司法权威做出的具有法律效力的判决 ,非经特别程序 ,不得任意撤销或变更。由于我国法律规定存在缺漏 ,且理论研究较为薄弱 ,实践中 ,各法院对生效判决既判力问题理解认识不一 ,做法各异。因此 ,加强对民事生效判决既判力问题研究 ,对司法公正。
The operant civil verdict is the judgment of justice based on the national authority, which cannot be repealed or changed arbitrarily, if not through the special procedure. Because of our country's insufficiency in legislation and backwardness in theoretical research, different understandings and actions exist in judicatory practices. Therefore, deepening research of res judicate into the theory of operant civil verdict is of judicial significance to retaining judicatory fairness, the unification of law enforcement, and the authority of law.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science