本文根据我国 2 0 0 2年实际调查的照明产品使用情况 ,以照明产品所提供的光通量大小和显色性的高低 ,采用流明小时为照明需求的计算指标 ,分别计算出了当年各主要建筑物的照明需求和显色性结构比例 ,并初步预测了未来 2 0年我国照明需求的发展趋势。
Based on the data of survey in 2002of exiting using products in China's lighting market, and with those products' characteristics of color renders and efficacies, this paper has firstly analyzed the country's lighting demand in term of luminous-hour, as well as it's distribution mixture of color renders for different building sectors, than the development trends of lighting demands of China in next two decades have been forecasted.;
China Illuminating Engineering Journal