目的:探讨老年期抑郁症的临床特征。 方法:以单相抑郁症患者79例,其中39例首发年龄≥6 0岁为老年组,4 0例首发年龄<6 0岁为非老年组。对两组一般临床资料进行对照分析,并在治疗前及治疗第2、4、6周用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)及汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)比较两组疗效。 结果:老年组伴有躯体疾病者明显高于非老年组,HAMA评分老年组明显高于非老年组,治疗第2、4、6周HAMD减分率老年组均低于非老年组。治疗6周后总有效率老年组为6. 1 5 % ,非老年组为85 . 0 %。 结论:老年期与非老年期抑郁症临床特征有所不同,老年期抑郁症治疗效果差于非老年期抑郁症。
Objective:To compare the clinical symptomatic feat ur es between senile depression and non-senile depression. Method: Seventy-nine cases with unipolar depression were divided into the research g roup (n=39,age≥60) and the non-senile group(n=40,age<60).At the time o f admission and after 2,4,6 weeks treatment, Hamiltom depression scale (HAMD) an d Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA) were assessed in all patients,and the total scor es of HAMD and HAMA were compared.The concomitant somatic diseases were also ana lyzed. Results:The occurrence rate of concomitant somatic disea ses and scores of the HAMA in research group were significantly higher than that in non-senile group at admission.The decreased rates of HAMD were lower in res earch group than in non-senile group after 2,4 and 6 weeks treatments.After 6 w eeks treatment,the marked improvement rates of research and non-senile group we re 61.5% and 85.0% respectively. Conclusion:The clinical featur es of the senile depression is different from non-senile depression,and the pro gnosis of the former is worse.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
depression symptom