目的 研究引起幼儿腹泻的腺病毒的型别。方法 取因腹泻住院的幼儿粪便标本,经PCR检测为腺病毒F组( Ad4 0或Ad4 1)阳性后,用2 93细胞分离病毒并培养,当细胞发生典型病变效应,刮下细胞备用:( 1)固定,送电镜室检测;( 2 )按照湖北中医学院检验系实验室常用的方法提取病毒DNA。用Sma I和Hind III 2种限制性核酸内切酶消化腺病毒DNA并与文献报道的Ad4 0和Ad4 1的酶切图谱比较。结果 5例阳性标本的PCR产物的大小是5 19bp.电镜可见细胞核内腺病毒晶格状排列;并且Sma I和Hind III的酶切图与文献报道的Ad4 1图谱一致。
Objective To study the infection condition of adenovirus types in infants with diarrhea. Methods To collect specimens from infants with diarrhea in hospital whose stools were positive for Ad40 and Ad41 by PCR examination. Virus isolation from stool specimens was done by using 293 cell and cultured. When a cytopathic effect was well developed, cells were scraped down for spared: (1) Fixed and delivered electron microscope room to detect; (2) Intracellular viral DNA was extracted by a modified procedure of laboratory's own. The genome of adenovirus was estimated by restriction endonuclease and compared with the profile of enteric adenovirus described by foreign author. Results The production of PCR showed 519 bp. In internucleus the crystal shelf shap of adeno viruses were seen by electron microscope; The Sma I and Hind III pattern of restriction endonuclease was very similar to the Sma I restriction map depicted by foreign writer.Conclusion For the combine of PCR and restriction endonuclease map, it was important value to identify enteric adenovirus.
Chinese Journal of Microecology