The quality dimension of the urban living space was addressed much earlier abroad; nevertheless, it has not been studied in the Chinese academia up to date, as evidenced by the limited research literature. Through recourse to Rich BOYER′s nine-factor theory, this study attempted to evaluate and rank 31 target cities, by using the data from the China Statistical Yearbook 2002. Our research results show that the quality of a city′s living space is in positive correlation with its size, and that there will be changing demands for the quality of the urban living space as a result of future social, economic, sci-tech, cultural and educational developments, combined with the improvement of the overall quality of urban residents. Previous research was focused on the quality of food, housing, education, transportation and entertainment. However, with the development of the knowledge-economy, such factors as information accessibility, green environment, and air quality, will be major considerations in the quality evaluation of the urban living space.
The quality dimension of the urban living space was addressed much earlierabroad; nevertheless, it has not been studied in the Chinese academia up to date, as evidenced bythe limited research literature. Through recourse to Rich BOYER' s nine-factor theory, this studyattempted to evaluate and rank 31 target cities, by using the data from the China StatisticalYearbook 2002. Our research results show that the quality of a city's living space is in positivecorrelation with its size, and that there will be changing demands for the quality of the urbanliving space as a result of future social, economic, sci-tech, cultural and educationaldevelopments, combined with the improvement of the overall quality of urban residents. Previousresearch was focused on the quality of food, housing, education, transportation and entertainment.However, with the development of the knowledge-economy, such factors as information accessibility,green environment, and air quality, will be major considerations in the quality evaluation of theurban living space.
Under theauspices oftheNational Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40071032)