该《指南》概述了应急照明在现代建筑中的重要地位,明确了目的,提出了设计原则,规定了适 用范围,列出了引用标准和国外有关文献,对有关术语给予了解释和定义。 《指南》对应急照明的分类及所包括的疏散照明、安全照明、备用照明的设计要求,如光源、照 度、需要装设的建筑、具体安装部位,装设要求等都作了详细规定。对标志疏散方向的出口标志和 指向标志的装量要求作了具体的指示。 《指南》还规定了当正常照明电源故障时转换由应急电源供电的转换时间及应急照明持续工 作时间,说明了应急照明电源类别,各类电源的技术要求及选用原则。 此外,还叙述了应急照明的控制方式和配电线路选用及敷设要求。 作为附录,还列出了疏散标志的表示方法、图形文字尺寸、颜色、亮度、亮度比、可见度、视距等 技术要求。 本《指南》作为本学会技术文件,推荐给各设计院、生产厂及工程建设单位应用。
The 'Guide' narrates the important role of emergency lighting in modern architectures, n1ake clear the purpose of using emergency lighting, put forward the design principle and provide for applicable scope.In addition the cited standards and international literatures con- cerned are listed, and explanations and definition are given to the relevant terms in this pa- per. The 'Guide' makes a full and detailed stipulation on the classification of the mergency light- ing and design requirements for escape lighting, safety lighting and stand by lighting includ- ed, such as light source, illuminance the building to be needed for emergency lighting, the concrete installation position and requirements etc.. Meanwhile the paper also elaborates on the exit and direction signs for escape. The 'Guide' also makes requirements for time of changeover from the failure of the normal lighting to the emergency lighting switches on and the duration of the emergency lighting. Moreover it specifies kinds of emergency lighting source, technical requirements for various power source and the principle for selection of the above power source. In addition the paper also introduces the requirement for control type, distributing line and line laying of emergency lighting as well. As an appendix, expression for escape sign, size of Graph and letter, colour, brightness, brightness contrast, visibility and apparent distance are also listed from technical require- ments. The 'Guide' as a technical document from the society is to be recornmended to various insti- tutes, factories and construction units for use.
China Illuminating Engineering Journal
emergency lighting, escape lighting, safety lighting, standby lighting, emergency power source, escape sign, exit sign, direction sign.