
直剪试验中对土抗剪强度的一种修正方法 被引量:33

A Revising Method of Shear Strength of Soils in Direct Shear Test
摘要 目的为了消除直剪试验过程中,剪切面积变化对试验结果的影响,建立了直接剪切试验中剪应力变化方程.方法并根据室内直剪试验资料和剪应力变化规律,对比分析考虑与不考虑试样剪切面积变化的情况.结果得到了不同正应力下土的抗剪强度变化曲线.在此基础上,提出了抗剪强度修正系数β的概念,确定了其变化规律,进而提出了抗剪强度修正公式.结论研究表明抗剪强度修正系数的应用克服了直剪试验存在的部分缺陷,提高了利用直剪试验确定土的抗剪强度的准确性. Considering the change conditions of shear areas in shear test,the shear stress equation has been established.According to the in-door shear test data and shear stress equation,the change law of shear strength was given on the base of comparing the two (cases--)the shear areas of the soils sample is either changed or unchanged.In the end,coefficient of shear strength was defined and its change law was given.The study has proved that the accuracy of shear strength was improved by the application of coefficient of shear strength.
出处 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第2期96-98,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金项目(SJJ200401)
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