计算机仿真技术的发展以及提高综合训练真实度的需求使得计算机生成兵力(computer generated force ,CGF)在军事训练领域得到了高度重视和应用。为了在潜艇综合训练仿真系统中使用舰艇CGF,必须仿真海洋复杂环境下舰艇实体的一整套作战过程。为了提高舰艇CGF的重用性和可扩展性,采用了与HLA兼容的体系结构。舰艇CGF被作为HLA框架中的一个联邦成员,并考虑到了在实际作战中的实体行为。
With the development of computer simulation technology and the requirement of enhancing the fidelity of synthetic training, it is inevitable to integrate computer generated force (CGF) into military training system. For a CGF to be useful in the submarine synthetic simulation system, it must act as an actual entity commander in the sea battle space. For the purpose of reusability and expandability of the submarine SSS components which had been worked out in the past, it is developed to be HLA-compliant. In this paper, special emphasis has been put on building up an extensible and flexible architecture of the CGF which could be integrated into the submarine SSS. The process of decision-making is found on the analysis of behaviors that an entity commander would act in real sea war.
Computer Simulation