Objective: To find potential serum biomarkers by analyzing the protein omiccomponents of the sera from ovarian cancer patients and characterizing the potential tumor associated proteins in order to establish the protein as the specific serum marker for ovarian cancer diagnosis. Methods: Two - dimensional polyacryl-amide gel electrophor - esis (2DE) were used to separate the sera from the patients with ovarian cancer. After Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining, the target proteins were analysed by LC - MS/MS and the protein sequences were searched in database. The candidate biomarker was further analysed by Western Blotting, ELISA, Dot - blotting and affinity chromatograpy. Results: Several proteinomic components were found significantly increased in patient's serum. The most striking one was identified as haptoglobin (Hp) by LC -MS/MS. Further identification by Western Blotting and ELISA indicated that Hp was higher in cancer serum than that in normal. The significant increase of fucosylated haptoglobin in cancer serum was also observed. The method of lectin affinity Dot - blotting was established to measure fucosylated haptoglobin in serum. Conclusions: Haptoglobin and fucosylated haptoglobin are potential serum biomarkers. They are useful for o-varian cancer diagnosis when combined with other test markers
Chinese Journal of Family Planning