于 2 0 0 4年 5月底至 6月底 ,在云南南部和西部虻科采集中 ,获得 19种麻虻 ,其中有 6个新种 ,分别命名为成勇麻虻Haematopotachengyongisp .nov .,建中麻虻Haematopotajianzhongisp .nov .,明庆麻虻Haematopotamingqingisp .nov .,阳刚麻虻Haematopotayanggangisp .nov .,永平麻虻Haematopotayongpingisp .nov .,和曾健麻虻Haematopotazengjianisp .nov .,2个我国新纪载 ,缅甸麻虻HaematopotaburmanicaSenio White ,192 2和瞿氏麻虻HaematopotaquiXu ,1999。模式标本保存在军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆。
Six new Species of Haematopota from Yunnan, China were described, The types are deposited in the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, AMMS, Beijing. The holotypes were collected from following:Haematopota chengyongi from Cangyuan County (23.2°N, 99.2°E,1 500m);Hae.jianzhongi from Tengchong County (25°N, 98.5°E, 500m);Hae.mingqingi from Tengchong County(25.5°N,98.5°E, 1 000m); Hae. yanggangi from Mengla County (21.8°N, 101.5°E, 800m);Hae yongpingi from Jiangcheng County(22.5°N, 102°E, 800m);Hae. zengjiani from Menghai County (22°N, 100°E, 1 500m).Two species of Haematopota are new record for China: Hae. burmanica Senior-White, 1922 from Tengchong County and Lushui County; Hae.qui Xu, 1999 from Mengla County.
Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica
军事医学科学院基金及国家自然科学基金 (编号 :3 0 4993 41)资助