本文提出了浊点萃取预富集火焰原子吸收光谱法测定痕量钴的新方法。详细研究了溶液pH值、络合剂和表面活性剂浓度、平衡温度和时间等条件对浊点萃取效果的影响。在优化的实验条件下,本法对钴的富集倍数为20 倍,检出限为3.28 ng/mL,相对标准偏差(RSD)为4.1% (n=10)。所建立的方法用于自来水、湖水中痕量钴的测定,分析结果满意。
A method for the determination of trace cobalt in water samples by flame atomic Absorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction was proposed. The effect of experimental conditions such as pH, concentration of chelating agent and surfactant, and equilibration temperature and time on cloud point extraction was discussed. The chemical variables affecting the separation and extraction recovery were optimized. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limit was 3.28 ng·mL^(-1) for cobalt with relative standard deviation of (4.1% (n=10).) The proposed method was applied to the determination of trace cobalt in water samples with satisfactory results.
Journal of Analytical Science