

Making a Replacement on Obsolete Instrument with Software or Hardware Middleware
摘要  提出通过植入软、硬件中间件的方法实现对现有测试系统中荒废仪器的替换.介绍了国外运用该方法实现对原测试系统进行改造的成功范例,如通过植入硬件中间件实现替换的Winsoft公司的WISE(WinsoftInstrumentSystemEmulator)技术;通过在主控制器中植入软件测试模块适配器的Systems&Electronics公司的STMA(SoftwareTestModuleAdapter)方法以及美军利用IVI(InterchangeableVirtualInstrument)技术对现有LMIS(LockheedMartinInformationSystem)测试系统的升级改造. In order to make a replacement of obsolescent instrument in existing test system, this Paper presents a new approach through embedded software or hardware middleware. Some successful rebuilding paradigms in some existing test systems using this method are introduced too. Such as the Winsoft Company's WISE(Winsoft Instrument System Emulator) technology which makes a replacement through embedded hardware middleware, Systems & Electronics Company's STMA(Software Test Module Adapter) method through embedded software replacement of test module adapter in master controller, and the American army's upgrade plan to existing LMIS test system using IVI(Interchange Virtual Instrument) technology.
出处 《测试技术学报》 EI 2005年第1期106-110,共5页 Journal of Test and Measurement Technology
关键词 中间件 Electronics公司 测试仪器 硬件 INFORMATION Systems VIRTUAL 测试系统 MODULE 测试模块 主控制器 TEST 升级改造 植入 适配器 技术 软件 test system obsolescence instrument software/hardware Middleware replacement
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