斑枯病是为害福禄考的重要病害,其株发病率达100%,病情指数为32~41,它的病原菌为SeptoriadivaricataeEll.etEv.。病菌以菌丝或分生孢子状态在患病组织内越冬,翌年2月底3月初开始初次侵染,主要为害植株下部叶片,以后病菌不断地重复侵染,并自下而上扩大为害.被害叶最初呈紫红色小点,以后病斑扩大,在叶正面呈紫褐色圆斑,叶背面呈水渍状泡点,到后期,发病部中央呈灰白色,病叶提前脱落.病害发生或3 ̄11月。梅雨季节和秋雨季节是发病高峰期。此病的防治除摘除病叶并予集中烧毁外,在发病期可选用ZHB-1、ZHB-2、百菌清等杀菌剂喷洒,其中ZHB-1的防治效果达90%以上.
Spot blotch of phlox is common and destructive,its incidence of plant is 100%,disease indexes are 32 ̄41.It is caused by the fungus Septorio divarcata Ell.et Ev..The pathogen could overwinter in the diseased tissues of phlox.The primary infection of the dlseuse occurres during late February or early March.It attacks the lower leaves primarily,producing purplish brown,circular spots up to 1/4 inch in diameter, the centers of which ate light grey,almost white. Infected leaves dry up and die prematurely.The disease happen. from March to November and flourishes from June to early July and from late August to September. High rainfall, long rain duration, warm and moist conditions are favourable to the infection of the pathogen. Control method: remove and destroy infected plant parts in the fall of the year.Spray with 0.1 per cent ZHB-1 or.ZHB-2 and 0.075 per cent chlorotbalonil while the best control is ZHB-1 and effective percentage reached over 90 per cent.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology