
眩晕证防治方药古今对比研究 被引量:1

Ancient and modern comparison of formulae and drugs for prevention and treatment of dizziness syndrome
摘要 目的分析古今眩晕证防治方药的频率分布规律,探寻对治疗眩晕证起主要作用的方药组合。方法采用文献研究与统计学分析相结合的方法,对历代有关防治眩晕证的重要医籍以及1980年以来中医药防治眩晕证的文献进行整理,建立古今防治方药数据库,药物按功用分类,进行频次和频率统计,以累积频率超过50%的各类药物组成高频药物子库,对古今眩晕证防治方药进行对比研究。结果古代眩晕证防治方药以补益药、解表药、清热药、化痰药为主,现代眩晕证防治方药以补益药、活血祛瘀药、平肝熄风药、化痰药为主,同时析出了古今防治眩晕证高频药物。结论补益阴精、解表除邪、清热化痰是古代医家防治眩晕证的主导思想。 Objective To analyse the regularities of frequency distribution of ancient and modern formulae and drugs for preventing and treating the dizziness syndrome, and to probe into the effective combination of formulae and drugs. Methods The literature research and statistics were used to collect the important medical books of past ages and modern documents since 1980 about preventing and treating the dizziness syndrome. A database of the formulae and drugs for the dizziness syndrome was established. The drugs were divided into groups by their functions and their frequency distributions were counted. The drugs with an accumulative frequency over 50% were included into a sub-database. The ancient and modern formulae and drugs for preventing and treating the dizziness syndrome were compared. Results The ancient drugs and formulae for preventing and treating the dizziness syndrome were mainly those for nourishing, exterior syndrome-relieving, heat-clearing and phlegm-resolving. The modern drugs and formulae were mainly those for nourishing, blood-activating, stagnation-resolving, liver-soothing, wind-stopping and phlegm-resolving. The drugs with a higher frequency were selected. Conclusion The therapies of nourishing yin and essence, relieving exterior syndromes, clearing heat and resolving phlegm are the guiding treatment ideas of ancient doctors to prevent and treat the dizziness syndrome. The therapies of nourishing yin and essence, resolving stagnation to dredge the collaterals, expelling phlegm and stopping wind are the guiding treatment ideas of modern doctors to prevent and treat the disease.
作者 欧阳兵 王鹏
机构地区 山东中医药大学
出处 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期7-9,共3页 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 眩晕 防治方药 古代 现代 高频药物 dizziness formulae and drugs for prevention and treatment ancient modern drugs with a higher frequency
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