目的:研究仔猪断奶前后胃组织中ghrelin基因表达和其对胃组织发育性变化的影响,同时对内源性生长抑素的作用也进行了研究. 方法:实验选取新生仔猪18窝,随机分为实验组和对照组,自12 d起,对照组饲喂基础乳猪料,实验组在基础日粮中添加120 mg半胱胺,以耗竭内源性生长抑素,两组仔猪均于35 d断奶.分别于28,35,36.5,38, 42和45 d随机选取实验组和对照组仔猪各6头,屠宰, 称量胃重和体重并采集胃底和胃窦黏膜,用RT—PCR 方法,以18S rRNA作内标,定量分析胃底和胃窦组织中ghrelin mRNA的丰度. 结果:胃底ghrelin mRNA的丰度明显高于胃窦部;胃底ghrelin mRNA水平在35和36.5 d较低,随后逐渐增加.45 d ghrelin mRNA水平显著高于35,36.5和38 d (P<0.05);半胱胺能提高胃底ghrelin mRNA表达,其中35,36.5和38 d时试验组ghrelin mRNA表达显著高于对照组(P<0.05). 结论:Ghrelin能直接或间接作用于胃组织,调节胃的生长,表明Ghrelin与胃的形态和功能发育具有密切的关系;内源性生长抑素可抑制胃底ghrelin mRNA的表达.
AIM: To study the expression of ghrelin mRNA in gastric tissue of weaning piglets, to investigate the correlation between relative gastric growth and fundus expression of ghrelin mRNA in weanling piglets, and to study the role of endogenous somatostatins. METHODS: Eighteen litters of newborn piglets were divided randomly to control and treatment groups. From 12 days of age, piglets in treatment group were fed with starter diet supplemented with 120 mg cysteamine to deplete endogenous somatostatin (SS). Piglets were weaned on the 35th day of age (d35) in both groups. 6 piglets from each group were slaughtered on d28, d35, d36.5, d38, d42 and d45, respectively. A semi-quantitative RT-PCR was applied to detect the level of ghrelin mRNA in gastric fundus and antrum with 18S rRNA as an internal standard. RESULTS: Ghrelin mRNA was detected in both fundus and antrum, which was more abundant in fundus than in antrum. Ghrelin mRNA expression in fundus exhibited a trend of increase from d38 to d45, reaching a peak on d45. Cysteamine significantly increased the level of ghrelin mRNA expression on d35, d36.5 and d38. CONCLUSION: Ghrelin is involved in the regulation of gastric growth, and endogenous somatostatin downregulates ghrelin expression.
World Chinese Journal of Digestology