
衰老对小鼠精子成熟和受精能力的影响 被引量:2

Effects of aging on sperm maturation and fertility in mice
摘要 目的:探讨衰老对附睾精子成熟、体外受精和胚胎发育的影响。方法:取老龄小鼠(18月龄,n =15 )和青年小鼠(6月龄,n =15 )附睾头精子和附睾尾精子,分别检测精子密度、存活率、活动率、正常形态率和胞浆小滴率,并通过体外受精比较附睾尾精子受精率和各阶段胚胎发育率。结果:老龄小鼠附睾头精子和附睾尾精子活动率、精子密度显著低于青年组(P <0 . 0 1) ,胞浆小滴率和畸形精子率显著高于青年组(P <0 .0 5 ) ,附睾尾精子的受精率下降(P <0 .0 1) ,胚胎各阶段发育率降低(P <0 . 0 1)。结论:衰老影响小鼠精子功能及附睾精子成熟过程。小鼠可作为雄性生殖衰老研究的动物模型。 AIM: To investigate the effects of aging on sperm maturation and fertility in mice. METHODS: Sperm of caput epididymides and cauda epididymides were obtained from Kunming mice aged 6 months (n=15, as control) and 18 months ( n=15). Sperm parameters including sperm density, viability, motility and nor mal morphological rate were recorded. Sperm of cauda epididymides was observed b y transmission electron microscope. The fertility potential and embryo developme ntal competence were performed by in vitro fertilization and embryo culture. RESULTS: Sperm motility, density and normal morphological rate i n aged mice were lower than those in control (P<0.05). The fertilization ra te and embryo developmental rate of aged group were significantly lower than tho se in control (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Aging influences spermatogenesis in testes and sperm maturation in epididymides. Mouse would be served as a good model for male repr oductive aging research.
出处 《中国病理生理杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期811-814,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目 (No .0 10 399)
关键词 衰老 小鼠 精子 受精 体外 Aging Mice Spermatozoa Fertilization, in vitro
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