目的:采用吸附树脂与离子交换树脂联合去除人参提取物杂质,建立人参皂苷的纯化方法。方法:人参醇提物不溶液经吸附树脂AB 8除去水溶性杂质后,再用强碱树脂D2 80进一步脱色纯化;并通过HPLC等多种分析手段,监控树脂纯化过程中各阶段的树脂除杂脱色能力以及皂苷的损失程度,验证本法的可靠性。结果:树脂联用处理人参醇提物后,除杂和脱色能力由单用吸附树脂时的94. 7%和93. 0 %分别提高到99. 6%、97. 4% ,样品纯度由单用吸附树脂时的84. 2 1%提高到98. 5 7% ,皂苷损失小于2 %。结论:本方法简便、快速、回收率高,可用于人参皂苷的大批量纯。
Objective:The resins was employed to separate ginsenosides from impurities in ginseng extracts in order to establish a facile purification method for total ginsenosides.Methods:Ginseng's extracts were firstly partitioned into tow fractions,the absorbed fraction and the unadsorbed fraction,on AB-8 adsorption column,and then the adsorbed fraction was eluted from AB-8 adsorbtion column with 70% ethanol and decolored on D280 ion-exchange column.To validate the method,elimination of impurities and loss of ginsenosides in different purification steps were analyzed with more than 96% of purity of total ginsenosides,99% of impurity elimination,97% of decoloration and less than 2% loss of ginsenosides.Conclusions:The method is simple and rapid with high recovery of total ginsenosides and can be used for the preparation in large scale.
Study Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine