美国陆地卫星7号于1999年4月15日发射升空,至今已为用户提供了大量高质量高精度的图像数据。2 0 0 3年5月31号,扫描行校正器(SLC)发生机械故障,造成部分图像数据的重叠和丢失,直接影响了用户对数据的正常使用。本文在介绍了SLC的工作原理和SLC异常数据的特点之后,提出了对SLC异常数据中存在的数据缝隙进行填充修补的三种方法。最后简要地说明了SLC异常数据的使用情况和可能应用的领域。
Landsat-7 has provided a great deal of imagery data with good quality and high precision since its launch on April 15, 1999. The Scan Lines Corrector (SLC) on Landsat-7 experienced a permanent mechanical failure on May 31, 2003 and the malfunction causes scan lines' overlap and loss on the imagery data, which hampers the normal use of the data. This paper introduces the functions of the SLC and the characteristics of the SLC-OFF data, and then three methods of filling the scan gaps existing on the imagery data are presented.. Finally, the usability and the potential application fields of the Landsat-7 SLC-OFF data are briefly narrated.
Remote Sensing Information