
土施多效唑协调杨梅生长与结果关系的探讨 被引量:2

Effect of Soil Applied MET (Multi-Effects Triazole) on Growth Fruiting and Some Physiological Parameters in Chinese Bayberry (Myrica rubra):
摘要 土施适量多效唑(Multi-EfectsTriazole,MET)以每m2的树冠遮阴面积的有效成分计其用量,树势中庸的荸荠种以0.2g为最佳,使生长处于半抑制状态,边结果,边抽枝,大小年缩小,品质改善;多于0.4g时生长受抑,成花着果多,品质下降。土施低用量多效唑能使叶片的游离氨基酸,叶绿素A和B,N、K、Ca等含量增加,生理活性增强。 The delay of fruiting and the alternate bearing habit both are the serious problem in Chinese Bayberry. The main cause, we suggest, in addition to the prevention of the flower bud formation by the excessive vegetative growth, is the co-appearance of the growth peak for blossom, spring shoots and roots, The spring shoots, roots consume large amount nutrients in body itself in peak growth stage make nutrient difficiency, cause blossom to trop and lead to a low yield. The application of MET leads to the growth reduction of shoots and roots, postpone their peak about 25 days. Hence, the rate of fruit set and the yield were raised due to more suffcicient nutrients for blssom and fruit growth. in the excessive use of MET. The vegetatite growth of Chinese bayberry tree will be severely inhibited with an over loaded crop, leading to the low fruit quality and alternate bearing. Based on the results tested, a dosage for soil application of MET about 0.2g/m 2 shortened the shoot length to about 75%. Compared with untreated trees, resulted in the blance between vegetative and reproductive growth, minimized the alternate bearing habit and improved fruit quality. The application of MET into soil has significantly increased the contents of free amino acids, Chlorophyll A and B, N, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn within Chinese bayberry tree. It can raise tree physiological activties, and enhance tree vigorousness, from which the tree growth and fruition has
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1994年第1期27-31,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
关键词 杨梅 多效唑 结果 生长 Chinese bayberry MET Alternate bearing Physiological iudicators
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