番茄的抗病基因Tm -2 2 与番茄花叶病毒 (ToMV)的移动蛋白MP基因是一对互作的基因 ,Tm- 2 2 基因和ToMV MP基因同时在烟草中表达 ,并分别获得单一基因整合的纯合转化体植株。病毒接种试验表明 ,Tm -2 2 基因转化体与Tm- 2 2 番茄对Tobamavirus病毒的特异抗性结果一致 ;Tm -2 2 转基因植株和ToMV MP转基因植株杂交试验及其农杆菌注射试验均证明 :(1)Tm -2 2 基因与ToMV- MP在转基因烟草上保持“基因对基因”的互作关系 ;(2 )在外源乙烯的参与下 ,ToMV的移动蛋白与Tm -2 2 基因编码蛋白的互作能够诱导转化体程序性细胞死亡。这一结果为今后研究Tm -2 2 与MP互作的分子机制奠定了基础。
Tomato Tm-22 and ToMV MP gene are a pair of R-Avr mediated response genes. Tm-22 and MP gene expressed in tobacco transformants with single-copy integration respectively. Tm-22 transformants displayed virus-resistant specificity as the reaction of original Tm-22 tomato species in virus-inoculation test. The results of agro-infiltration experiment and transformant-crossing test between Tm-22 plants and MP plants indicated that: (1). Tm-22 and ToMV-MP maintained “Gene for Gene' characters in transgenic tobacco; (2). The interaction between Tm-22 and MP of ToMV could induce the programmed cell death in the host tobacco by exo-ethylene stimulation. This result will be useful in furthering understanding of molecular mechanism of Tm-22 interaction with ToMV-MP.
Acta Microbiologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金 (3 0 170 63 3 )~~