目的:了解北京市西城区美容、美发行业室内空气状况及其影响因素,以加强卫生监督管理。方法:对西城区新开业美容、美发店应用沉降法检测空气细菌数,并建立Access数据库进行数据记录管理。结果:共检测64家新开业美容、美发店空气细菌总数1 2 5件样品,合格率为88% ,美容、美发兼营的单位合格率较低,依靠自然通风的单位合格率最高,美发室采的样品合格率低于美容室的合格率。结论:卫生部门应加强美容、美发经营单位的卫生管理,加强卫生知识培训,采用湿式清扫,可有效减轻其室内空气细菌污染程度,改善室内空气质量。
Objective:Finding out the status of the airborne bacterial in the hairdressing rooms and the factors which influence it in xicheng district Beijing ,in order to strengthen supervising sanitation. Methods:We checked b airborne bacterial in the new-practised hairdressing rooms by falling method ,and analysed data by Access. Result: Collecting 125 samples from 64 newly-practised hairdressing rooms, the eligibility rate was 88%;the eligible rate of the units dealing in both hairdressing and beauty culture was low, the eligible rate of the units ventilated naturely was high, the eligible rate of hairdressing was lower than beauty culture. Conclusion:The section of health should strengthen supervising the hairdressing rooms and improve hygeian knowledge of the practitioner. Clearing wetly can reduce bacterial contamination and improve the quality of the air indoors.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management