A tetrad mechanism for exciting long waves, for example edge waves, is described based on nonlinear resonant wave-wave interactions. In this mechanism, resonant interactions pass energy to an edge wave, from the three participating gravity waves. The estimated action flux into the edge wave can be orders of magni- tude greater than the transfer fluxes derived from other competing mechanisms, such as triad interactions. More- over, the numerical results show that the actual transfer rates into the edge wave from the three participating gravity waves are two- to three- orders of magnitude greater than bottom friction.
A tetrad mechanism for exciting long waves, for example edge waves, isdescribed based on nonlinear resonant wave-wave interactions. In this mechanism, resonantinteractions pass energy to an edge wave, from the three participating gravity waves. The estimatedaction flux into the edge wave can be orders of magnitude greater than the transfer fluxes derivedfrom other competing mechanisms, such as triad interactions. Moreover, the numerical results showthat the actual transfer rates into the edge wave from the three participating gravity waves aretwo- to three- orders of magnitude greater than bottom friction.