介绍了CaO二次中和法处理钢铁工业酸性废水的工艺实验过程,针对通化钢铁集团某钢管厂排出的酸性废水的特点,确定了切实可行的工艺条件及工艺流程。实验结果表明:在该工艺条件下,经过酸碱中和—曝气—絮凝沉淀—固液分离等实验流程,可有效提高硫酸酸性废水的pH值,去除Fe2 + 、Fe3+ 、杂质、色度等,处理后的废水达到了国家排放水标准。该方法具有投资少,操作简便,处理效果好等优点,因此,有广泛应用推广价值。
In terms of certain characteristics of steal pickling wastewater from sechnical test on steal picking wastewater treatment process with twice neutralization using CaO , A suitable technical condition and process was presented , the test results shows that under the technical conditions ,Via the process of Acid base-balance-aeration-flocculating settling-solid and liquid separation , pH value can be rose ,further Fe 2+, Fe 3+, impurities , colourities can be removed effectively.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology