本文对50例小儿麻痹患者的经皮电刺激大脑皮层及脊髓的运动诱发电位(MEP)作了研究。并对 16例患者 31个肢体针刺加穴位注射治疗前后的 MEP情况进行了观察、异常形式为阻滞、延迟、波幅降低。上肢多以轻、中度损害为主,占异常肢体的85%,下肢多以中、重度损害为主,占异常肢体的87%.因此认为MEP可作为对小儿麻痹症中枢及周围神经受损程度及范围作出客观评价,且安全、可行。通过对 16例患者 31个肢体治疗前后的 MEP观察,发现针刺后可使患者的中枢周围传导时间明显缩短,振幅提高,肢体的运动功能明显恢复。
The artical researched the Motor Evoked Potential of brain and spinal cord (MEP) to 50 cases of infantile paralysis and 16 cases'31 limbs with Acupuncture and point-injection. The abnormal types are stop, delay and lower of waves. The damages of upper limbs are low, grade and moderate. The rate is 85% of abnormal limbs. The lower limbs are moderate and height. The rate is 87%,So the authors think that MEP can check the degrees and scales of the center and Peripheral nerves' damages of patients of infanlile paralysis, The 16 cases 31 limbs were of patients of infanlile paralysis. The 16 cases' 31 limbs were observated with MEP before and after treatment. The center and peripheral conducted times were shorted obviously and the,waves of muscles' contraction were become higher with acupuncture. The motor functions of limbs uecovered obviously.
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion