重庆市轨道交通三号线是一条贯通市中心的南北向轨道交通干线 ,与在建的二号线十字交叉 ,构成重庆市快速轨道交通基本骨架。介绍三号线一期工程的概况、总体方案、建设规模、轨道交通模式和车辆选型 ,并分析工程的特点。
The Chongqing Rail Transit Line No.3 is a rail transit trunk through downtown ar ea in the South to North direction. It intersects the Line No.2, which is under construction, to form the basic frame of fast rail transit system in Chongqing. This paper describes the outline, master plan, construction scale, rail transit mode and vehicle model selection of the Line No.3 (1 st stage), and also an alyzes the characteristics of the Project.
Underground Engineering and Tunnels