

A Deconstructive Analysis of Multiple Meanings of ″Ma dness″ in ″The Legend of Miss Sasagawara″
摘要 “笹川原小姐的传奇”是日裔美国作家久枝·山本的一篇反映二战时美国安置营中笹川原小姐悲剧的短篇小说。该小说情节似乎简单,但含义深刻。本文运用解构主义理论分析了小说中所指“疯”的多重能指意义,并由此说明笹川原小姐的悲剧不只局限于个人,它也是美国社会历史的悲剧。 The Legend of Miss Sasagawara″ is a short story by Hisay e Yamamoto, the Japanese American writer, which narrates the tragedy of Miss Sasagawara in an American re location camp during the second World War. The seemingly simple plot, however, displays profou nd meanings. This paper attempts by using deconstructive theory to analyze the meaning of m ultiple signifiers in relation to the signified ″madness″. Thus the tragedy of Miss Sasagawara is not only her own, but also that of the whole American society.
作者 周晓刚
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期118-122,共5页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 《笹川原小姐的传奇》 文学评论 日裔美国作家 久枝·山本 短篇小说 Hisaye Yamamoto ″The Legend of Miss Sasagawara″ sig nifier madness deconstructive analysis
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  • 1Stan Yogi, "Japanese American Literature," An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature, ed. ,King-Kok Cheung(Los Angeles: Cambridge UP, 1997)136.
  • 2Cheung, King-Kok. Articulate Silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa. London: Cornell UP, 1993.
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  • 2Tilman Kuchler, Post-Modern Gaming: Heidegger , Duchamp , Derrida ( Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory Vol. 1), (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1994), p. 1.
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  • 6christopher Norris, Deconstruction: Thery and Practice (Routledge,1991), p.2.
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