目的 了解广州市服务和饮食行业人员所携带沙门菌的耐药性和质粒特征。方法 药敏试验采用改良K B法 ,质粒图谱分析参考Kado和Liu的方法。结果 该人群携带的沙门菌耐药率达 97 3%(1 81 / 1 86 ) ,对氨苄青霉素、氯霉素、卡那霉素、复方新诺明、庆大霉素、新霉素、妥布霉素、丁胺卡那霉素敏感性较高 ,敏感率达 84 4%~95 5 %,对氟哌酸无耐药菌株产生。对链霉素、痢特灵、羧苄青霉素及四环素的耐药率较高 ,在 1 2 9%~ 4 5 7%之间 ,对红霉素的耐药率高达 94 9%。耐 1种、2种和 3种抗生素的菌株分别占 30 6 %,32 8%和 1 9 9%。质粒阳性率为4 2 5 %(79/ 1 86 )。质粒携带株每株含质粒数量 1~ 6个不等 ,分子量大小为 0 2 1~ 2 6 72Md ,质粒条带数以 1~ 3条居多 ,未发现耐药谱与质粒特征有关。结论 广州市服务和饮食行业人员携带的沙门菌耐药情况比较谱遍 ;检测沙门菌质粒阳性率不高 ,质粒特征与耐药谱无关。
Objective To determine resistance to antibiotics and plasmid DNA fingerprint of a total of 186 Salmonella strains isolated from staffs of service trades of food and beverage. Methods Antibiotic resistance testing was performed by the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method.Plasmid profiles of the strains were examined using the mehod described by Kado and Liu with some modification.Results 1) Of the bacterial isolates tested, 97.3%(181/186)showed drug-resistance.Single-drug resistance to erythomycin(EM)(94.9%)was the most frequent.The rates of single-drug resistance to tetracycline(TC),streptomycin(SM),carbenicillin(CP)and furazolidone(FUZ)accounted for 45.7%,29.0%,26.5% and 12.9% respectively.The rates of sensitivity to aminopenicillin(AMP),chloramphenicol(CMP),kanamycin(KM),complex sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim(COS),gentamicin(GN),neomycin(NM),tobramycin(TOB),amikacin(AKN) and norfloxacin(NOR) were high,between 84.4% and 95.5%.Regarding the durg-resistance patterns,30.6% of the isolates were resistant to a single durg,while 69.4% were multi drug-resistant.Two-drug resistance to EM/TC and thrid-drug resistance to EM/TC/SM or EM/TC/CP were the second-most frequent and the three-most frequent.2)79 out of 186 Salmonella strains were found to contain at least one plasmid,with the size of the plasmids ranged between 0.21 and 26.72 Mda.1-3 of plasmid were frequently seen.No relationship was found between patterns of drug-resistance and plasmid profiles.Conclusion The drug-resistance of salmonella from carriers are common in Guangzhou.The detection rate of plasmid of the strains is low and no direct correlation presents between antibiotic resistance patterns and plasmid profiles.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
广州市东山区科技局基金项目 (2 0 0 0 QE 2 7)
plasmid profiles
antibiotic resistance